February is for Lovers! The Best Jewelry and Accessories for Valentine’s Day

If you’re anything like me, winter is always hard on the pocketbook.  Everything from holidays to higher heating bills can really put a drain on the funds.  Lucky for us Smittys Rancho has a clearance section that provides great stuff at reasonable prices…  And just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Let me show you a few great clearance items you could drop some hints to your honey about that won’t break the bank.

The folks at Montana West always have nice quality stuff and here are two belts (in pretty Valentine colors I might add) that will set off your outfit in style.



In keeping with the Valentine theme, these two handbags, also from Montana West are so pretty you’ll love showing them off as a gift from your special man.



Not into pink?  Brought to you by Lizzy J, this very cute shotshell charm is customizable with your choice of Swarvoski crystals.   Add it to your favorite necklace or charm bracelet for a fresh unique look.



And finally here’s a real favorite, the Montana West Buckle Collection Wallet.  Big enough to carry your necessities, this stylish wallet comes in red, brown, turquoise, blue and black to match any outfit.



Find these items and more items on sale here:  http://www.smittysrancho.com/stuff-on-sale/

Happy Valentine’s Day Shopping! 🙂

Ree 2014